About us
Justin Tang - Justin Tang is the premier psychologist at Project Red Spear. He graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a masters in psychology. After graduating from graduate school he looked for opportunities to contribute to society. With much success he started Project Red Spear with a group of his friends.He specializes in analyzing others problems and giving them helpful advice and utilizing his research in order to maximize our client's experience. As a member of Project Red Spear, he looks forward to contributing solutions to our world's contemporary problems.
Dawson Wu - Dawson is the world famous doctor that has been traveling the world to help people with medical problems that no other doctor can help with. He graduated from Princeton University with a master in all the major medical fields. He spends his time developing new antibiotics and medicine that can help treat almost every kind of disease or health problem. Most of the time he will be with family, spending enjoyable time with them and exploring the world. Dawson grew up as an adventurous person so he continue to find time to do as much as life can offer. One major contribution Dawson has done was join Project Red Spear where he travels with this group to be helpful to as many people as he can.
Brian Wong - Brian has graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a master's in astrophysics and currently owns the only known teleportation device known to man which he created in the basement of his home. With his stubborn state of being (to sell his device to the government), Wong is granted enough capital to start a corporation based on his ideals on starting a internationally-networked public transportation system based on his teleportation device. On his philanthropic side, Wong dedicates some time and money to this group organization known as Project Red Spear in an effort to fight our world's contemporary issues.
Alex Dea - Alex Dea has been working in the entertainment industry for an extremely long time. From the resources he has, he can spread the word of many problems of the world. His connections also bring Project Red Spear great publicity and gives a good reputation to the industry. His position in the company also allows Project Red Spear to receive countless donations from extremely generous people. Alex hopes that Project Red Spear will be able to help the world, and grow as the years pass.
Cergio Angel - Cergio has been in the Air Force and the Navy ranked as a captain platoon leader, specializing in getting soldiers out of frontline's when shot and giving them medical treatment. He has served in Iraq to Syria, Russia, Afghanistan, and most of Asia. When he's back here in the U.S. he usually spending time with his family and friends since most of the time he's out of the states for nearly 6 months to a year. He plans to eventually retire when he's a bit older from the military work in a hospital.